Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thing #8

I hate this....ok, hate is a strong word, but I started working on this one yesterday, gave up for the night and now I'm still having problems. The mic on my computer does not work for some reason. I've messed with it, got my husband to mess with it & even took it to my parent's house and had my dad mess with it - all to no avail! Jing seems to be the most user friendly of the screencast programs (I tried more than one to see if that was the problem...nope). I could easily use this in my classroom to show the kids how to use PowerPoint since many of my freshmen don't know how to use it. I could also use it to show my students and their parents how to utilize my webpage and all it has to offer. That will be really great! This is what I was trying to make my screencast about, but on top of it having no narration, it also keep getting an error message. You can see what I was hoping to accomplish by clicking the link at the botton. I'm confident with a little more practice and a GEEK request, I can make this happen!

I can see the librarians using this to create a screencast to explain the library resources page. Every year I take my kids to the library to do research and every year with each of my 5 classes, Renae has to stop what she is doing and explain the resources found on that page and how to utilize them. Seems like she could create one screencast and show it to all of the classes that come into the library to do research...what a time saver!

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